Sports betting terms for dummies

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The team or individual who is not favored or expected to winĪ wager in which you risk the same amount that you would win or lose. For an underdog to cover they must either win the game outright or lose by less than the point spread

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For a favorite to cover they must win by more than the point spread. The final point spread line before an event begins When a bettor pays additional money or price to receive more points in their favor during a gameĪ term used to describe a game where betting is limited or maximum amounts allowed are lowered Slang term for a losing a bet that should have been a winning wager, usually with very bad luck or circumstancesĪlso known as a “runner” this is someone who places a wager for someone elseĪn either physical establishment or online establishment that accepts bets from customersĪ person who illegally accepts bets and charges “juice” or “vigorish” to make a profit Refers to the result of a game with the point spread taken into accountĪ cover that occurs when a team scores at the end of a game to impact the cover of the spread, often unexpectedly or without altering the overall outcome of the game

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